Applet For Drawing Exact 3 Set Area-Proportional Venn Diagrams with Convex Curves

The ideas behind this applet are outlined in a paper submitted to Diagrams 2010.

This needs the Java 1.6 or greater plugin: download here


The applet draws Venn Diagrams with 3 curves. It makes each of the regions proportional to the population (value) assigned to it.

To draw a diagram with your own data, simply type in the data for the zones in the 'population' column, and click the 'Draw Diagram' button, you should map the 3 set names of your data to A, B and C. The population values can be any you like, the program will scale them. The 'Measured Area' column gives a confirmation that the regions are the correct area (or, if they do not match, a indication that they are wrong).

By default the label in each zone is the population. You can create an unlabelled diagram by choosing the 'No Labels' option. The display of the curves and shading can be altered by the 'Colour', 'Shading' and 'Dashed' options.

The diagram types are explained in a paper submitted to the Diagrams 2010 conference. In summary, the 'Core-Triangular' and 'Triangular' options will not draw all specifications. 'DT-Triangular' and 'CH-Triangular' should be able to draw all specifications, in a convex manner where possible. Note that due to bugs, some specifications are not drawn correctly. The 'CH-Triangular' type draws some specifications in a convex manner that are only drawable with non-convex curves with the 'DT-Triangular' type. The 'Layout Improvements' option only works with 'CH-Triangular' diagrams

At the moment the only way to use this diagram is to take a screen shot ('Print Screen' key in Windows) and paste the bitmap into a document.

The Euler Diagrams Visualization project has developed further tools of this sort.

The use of the results of this applet is free for research and non profit use.

Related Work

Ideas used to generate this work were developed by
Peter Rodgers, University of Kent, UK; Jean Flower, Autodesk; Gem Stapleton and John Howse, University of Brighton, UK
Contact: Peter Rodgers, University of Kent, UK (email)